支持版本:9.0, 10.0
开发者名称:Cybrosys Techno Solutions

Sub Tasks in Project

This Module Enables Sub-task feature in Project Module.

Author : Cybrosys Techno Solutions , www.cybrosys.com


Sub-task Feature for Project.
Sub-Task Lists Under Task.
Sub-Task Count in Task Kanban View.
Sub-Task Stages in Configuration.
Sub-Task Analysis Under Report.
Deadline Validation for Sub-Task.
Stage Validation for Sub-Task.


Currently Odoo has no sub-task feature in project. This module brings "SUB-TASK" forms and its configuration for projects with configured stages. User can also analyse the sub tasks under the project reporting menu dynamically.

Sub Task Configuration

Project -> Configuration -> Sub Task Stages

☛ Please tick marked fields to identify your final stage and cancel stage.

☛ If you want to create sub tasks for your project please select the option Sub Tasks.

Sub Task Creation

You can create sub tasks via 2 ways.

☛ Create sub tasks directly from Menu 'Sub Task'.
☛ Create sub tasks from task itself

Sub-Task Count in Task Kanban View

☛ You can see the count of sub task on each task's kanaban view

Sub-Task Analysis

Stage Validation for Sub-Task

☛ You cant move your task into final stage until all sub tasks are reach in final stage

Automatically Cancel/kill the sub-task by moving parent task to 'cancel'

☛ When you move your task into cancel stage then all sub tasks also will go to cancel stage

Deadline Validation for Sub-Task

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