支持版本:8.0, 9.0

Keyboard Shortcuts

Make your casual work more easier

This module add some interesting keyboard shortcuts to make casual work more easier.

How to use

In tree or form view Open new form for any object Ctrl + Enter
In form view Open Object on edit mode F2
In form view Save modification on current object Ctrl + S
In tree or form view Cancel Ctrl + Z
In form view Delete current object Ctrl + Supp
In form view Duplicate current object Ctrl + D
In form view Go to previous object "<
In form view Go to next object ">>"
In form view Save and close current wizard Ctrl + S
In form view Save current wizard and open new one Ctrl + Space
In form view Add new item Ctrl + "+"
In form view Delete last item Ctrl + "-"
In invoice and sale order form view Update totals F1

This Module is provided by Whitecape Technologies

Whitecape is a software engineering company that has accumulated extensive experience in project management in local and Nearshore mode. We rely on the expertise of our employees from the best engineering schools in Tunisia and Europe, and our network of partners to provide our customers with a high value added service.

  www.whitecapetech.com info@whitecapetech.com +216 73 34 26 68